この原稿は、100年以上前の古い資料で、1914年3月31日にJapan Society総会の夕食会で高峰博士が講演した演説原稿を、当研究会の山本綽名誉理事長が打ち直したものです。
1914年1月、佐藤博士は第2代日米交換教授(初代は新渡戸稲造)としてアメリカに派遣されています。前年末に、渋沢栄一が名誉委員長を務めるニューヨーク・ジャパンソサエティが主催の送別会が帝国ホテルで開かれました。この頃高峰博士は帰国中で、「渋沢栄一と高峰譲吉 その4」でお伝えしたAP通信のケネディ支局長の送別会も同時期に帝国ホテルで開催されていることから、佐藤博士の送別会にも高峰博士が参加した可能性が考えられます。
Address before Japan Society at the dinner given in honor of Dr. Shousuke Sato.
In the history of the international relations no record is so unique as that of the intercourse between Japan and the United States during the first five decades of its existence-so romantic in its inceptions,so pervade throughout by mutual good will, and so fruitful of untold benefit to mankind at large. Strikingly dramatic is the scene that introduces the first chapter of the intercourse. To the nation, still enjoying a torpor centuries and only equipped with bows and arrows, swords and spears, Commodore Perry suddenly makes his advent with stately fleet of eight ships armed with 230 cannons. And contrary to the world expectation, the adroit soldier-diplomat succeed in forcing open the door of the nation that for ages been hermetically closed against to aliens, without a shot being fired, a man wounded, or junk sunk. For this was truly a peaceful mission. Behind that outward display of force, under that glittering uniform of the Commodore, was hidden the sprit of American friendship toward Japan which he has been commissioned to disclose. That Japan soon discovered it and remembered it with gratitude is evinced by the monument which now stands on the very spot of Perry’s first landing and which backed by the everlasting green hills of Mikado’s land, overlooks the blue waters of the Pacific that binds in common embrace the two nations at the opposite shores.
The genuine Americanism found its finest expression in Perry’s successor, Townsend Harris. With that simplicity, honesty, and frankness, worthy of true American, and with consummate tact and infinite patience, Harris overcame innumerable obstacles, ignorance, suspicion, and prejudice, put in his way, and finally signalized his triumph by becoming the confident and advisor to the Shogun’s government. The American policy of justice, fair dealing, and friendliness, thus inaugurated, was consistently pursued by all the succeeding administrations, and put into practice by able envoys who represented the President at the court of Mikado – Pruyn and Bingham, Buch and O’Brien, Gliscom and Anderson.
The refunding of the Shimonoseki indemnity, the willing heart proffered for the revision of old treaties, the good office rendered to bring about the peaceful settlement of the Russo-Japanese conflict, The commercial Treaty negotiated under Taft administration that facilitated the successful conclusion of new Treaties with the other powers – these are few instances, the prominent posts on the road of Japanese-American intercourse, that will recall to us hundreds of other instances wherein we witnessed the realization of General Grant said “whatever Americas influence may be, I am proud to think that it has always been exerted in behalf of justice and kindness.”
If the American Government’s influence has been exerted in this manner, no lose generous and significant have been the services rendered by individual Americans for the good of Japan. Long indeed is the list of American names which add luster to the pages of Modern Japan. The enumeration of a few of these names will remind us of the measure of the debt Japan owes to them and their compeers – Murray, Tison, Terry, Morse, Clark, Capson, Mendenhall, Fenollosa, as educators or organizers of educational system: Denison and Stevens as faithful advisors to Mikado’s Government: Griffith, Culick, Lafcadio Hearn as authors: Hepburn, Verbeck, Brown, Lavies, Greene, De Forest, Harris as pioneers and shining light among missionaries.
And then, how greatly Japan indebted to the presidents and professors of the American universities and colleges who have educated, indeed bestowed fatherly dare over, thousands of able Japanese youths and sent them home with their benedictions! For many decades past it is no exaggeration to say that it would have been difficult to find any collage of reputation in the Union that had not enrolled among its students one or more Japanese youths. And in each heart of these thousands of students, there remain inscribed, I am sure, some tokens of love and kindness received during the collage days, that will treasured and remembered while the heart continue to beat. For one, the speaker beg your leave to say that he owes no greater debt, so far as his education is concerned, to any Japanese than he does to his patron and teacher, the late Professor Herbert B. Adams of John Hopkins University.
These grateful feelings stirring within us toward our American benefactors and friends are not limited to a few of us. The sentiment of gratitude toward America has been almost national. To be an American was, therefor, the surest badge which commanded respect and love of the Japanese people. Mr. Seits well say “there is something painful about the childlike faith and grateful good-will manifested toward American visitor by the people of Japan, in perpetual acknowledgement of their debt to the United States.”
No record of the international relation, let me repeat, is, then, more beautiful and ennobling than that which has blessed the American-Japanese intercourse for half a century – justice, moderation, magnanimity on one side, and gratitude and appreciation on the other.
The dawn of the Twentieth Century brought a sudden turn to this happy history. The change was due partly to natural causes, partly the result of machination of evil geniuses. At the close of the nineteenth century, the baby nation Perry had introduced into the families of nations had by dint of energy reconstructed it while scheme of life, political and social, and brought it to the standard of the West. West enhanced Japan’s estimation in the mind of militant West was, however, not the progress attained in the arts of peace, but military prestige gained during two successful wars she waged against her great neighbors. The Pigmy of yesterday was thus transformed, as mirrored in the eyes of military nations of the West, into a giant of today, and out of their frenzied imagination there sprang up a strange monster, called Yellow-Peril, with magic power to carry to fire and destruction into the heart of Christendom.
To add the confounding of the Occident, Japan displayed not only skill in wielding weapons of warfare, but also an ability to develop her commerce and industry until she came to play a role of a competitor in the commercial field, especially in the market in China. That this was not the liking of those, who had mapped out to their own sphere that most slurring field of all in the realm of trade, needs no emphasis.
So far as America was concerned another unfortunate situation was injected to jar the smooth course of its friendship with Japan. Upon the California situation, however, there is no need of touching here. Suffice it to say that it gave a rude shock to the Japanese, who realized for the first time that a great change has also came upon the United States by the incoming of those strangers from Europe who knew not Washington or Lincoln.
The foregoing items – The California situation, the commercial rivalry in China, and a sudden rise of Japan as a military power – these are excellent materials for evil geniuses to work with. Would that yellow journals and powerful interests has overlooked them! But alas! With the adroitness born with such geniuses, they eagerly seized upon the opportunities, and enlisted them for use either in playing their own games of politics or furthering their special interests. If a “War scare” was needed for the gratification of news mongers or for the passing through Congress of Navy Bills, so as to make the dockyards and steel industries busy, Japan was every time has utilized for the purpose. She has been dragged in even in the controversy about the Panama Canal Tolls. Indeed, to further its designs, yellow journalism has not hesitated to use every wit and talent at its command for slandering Japan, has attributed to her ambition she has never dreamed of, heaped false charges upon her merchant class, and besmirched the fair name of her womankind. The attacks of this kind are seldom taken at their face values in this country, where even the President himself is not immune. The case with Japan is, however, different. It is the country little known or understood by the American people at large. Consequently, misrepresentations or false stories told about her are liable to inflict far greater injuries than would happen in other instances. Unconsciously instilled into the minds of the innocent and ignorant, these false; hoods would tend to shape their opinion alienate Japan from their sympathies. How great has been the extent of the alienation might somewhat by purged by the change that has come upon the tons of public opinion from the time of the Russo-Japanese War when Japan was overloaded with praise to the time when the Alien Land Bill was enacted by California legislature in face of the strongest protests of Washington Government. The task of the statemen on both side of the Pacific is thereby increased by hundredfold. Is it not, then, time for righteous and strong organizations to assert and exert themselves for creating a sounder public opinion?
I know no agency in American that is exerting or could exert in this direction a more healthful and powerful influence than the Japan Society at whose annual dinner we are here gathered. Composed of representatives of men and women from every sphere of life-educators, authors, editors, statemen, lawyers, financiers and business men – the Japan Society is already national in its scope. Its various activities in fostering the love of Oriental Art, in encouraging the travel to Japan, in diffusing the knowledge of the current events and thoughts in the Far East, and in bringing together the strong men of the East and West at its social function – these makes the Japan Society the most valuable factor that makes for better understanding between the two nations.
The Society has good cause for congratulation in having for its President and Secretary two eminently fitted officials. Nothing could be happier than the combination of their good qualities. The President, resourceful and energetic with a big heart and broad mind, is assisted by a Secretary, kind and patient and tireless in attending to the details of the Society’s work. When these two capable officials are supported and guided by the executive committee of wisdom and experience, the Japan Society has every cause to look forward with hope for the greater expansion of its influence and for the furtherance of the noble object which has brought its existence. Are, we not, then, justified to shout three cheers, three Banzai to the Japan Society?
That the old relation between America and Japan, of a tutor and pupil, of a chaperon and a debutant, would continue, is not to be expected. Japan has already attained her maturity. She will look up to America as a friend or an ally; the United States will treat Japan as an equal. If they are competitors in the Chinese market, each will prove to the other a manly and healthy rival. This passing of old relationship, however, never meant that with it the former cordial friendship, should also overboard. God forbid. The reasons that urge their closer bond are stronger and louder than ever. The common ideals of civilization which both America and Japan are solicitous to impart to Asia at large, the common policy in China – the maintenance of its integrity and of the principle of open door – the common interest in the Pacific to develop its vast hidden resources, and the ever increasing of importance of trade between the two countries – these are strong arguments for the ever closer American-Japanese friendship, which no sophistry could elude, no social issue overwhelm.